Get Up to $20,000 in Final Expense Coverage with NO MEDICAL EXAM! Rates as low as $20/mth
Find the best rates for final expense life insurance from 50+ leading life insurance companies in the US. Compare Rates and Apply Online!
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Meet Susan G.
Susan is 61 and a recent widow. Susan wanted a final expense plan to cover her funeral expenses so that she is not a burden to her adult children. Susan is a cancer survivor and suffers from a few minor health challenges. To get a better rate, Susan decided to go thru underwriting and was pleasantly surprised when she was approved.
Coverage: $25,000
Term: Whole Life Rate: $81/mth With final expense coverage, Susan put her mind at ease knowing that she will not be a burden to her children.
Meet Joseph & Maryann L.
Joseph & Maryann are both 55 and recently retired. They wanted a final expense plan specifically to keep their investments intact should one or both of them pass away prematurely. Although generally healthy, they did not want the hassles of health exams so they decided on a guaranteed whole life policy.
Coverage: $20,000 on each
Term: Whole Life Rate: $121/mth for both Joseph & Maryann with $20,000 coverage on each of them, are now protected from spending down their investments to pay for final expenses.
Meet Hector Z.
Hector is 69 and has seen the end result of relatives passing away and not having final expenses covered. Hector has a variety of health problems, but is determined not to be a burden, Hector took care of his final expense needs with a guaranteed issued whole life policy.
Coverage: $15,000
Term: Whole Life Rate: $104/mth Hector was able to prevent his family from experiencing financial strain in the event of his passing.